Jaime Brown, MSW
Project Coordinator
Jaime has a Master's in Social Work from Fordham University and a Bachelor's in Social Work from Central Connecticut State University. Prior to joining CHDI, Jaime worked as a Project Specialist for EDSI working on federally and state-funded workforce development programs. She helped launch the first Multi-Gen program in Connecticut which is designed to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty by addressing the needs of both parents and children through job readiness training and social-emotional learning activities. The program created opportunities that led to family-sustaining wages and a strengthened family unit. Jaime also has also served as the Fundraising Coordinator for a Women’s Center overseeing fundraising efforts and donor relations. She has extensive case management experience within the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Jaime is trained in Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT).