Strengthening youth Mobile Crisis Services
CHDI provides technical assistance and continuous quality improvement services to multiple states in addition to Connecticut.
CHDI is sharing our knowledge and best practices with other states and communities as they build and strengthen essential Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) for youth.
MRSS Consultation with states
Supporting Youth Mobile Crisis Efforts Across the Nation
CHDI has helped several states develop and implement quality improvement for youth mobile response and stabilization services (MRSS) and we are currently providing consultation support in Texas and Louisiana.
CHDI developed expertise in MRSS quality improvement through our work as Connecticut's Mobile Crisis Performance Improvement Center, which helped establish Connecticut as a nationally recognized Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) program with strong continuous quality improvement.

Current quality improvement consultation initiatives
CHDI President and CEO Jeff Vanderploeg, Ph.D. and Senior Associate Kayla Theriault, MPH traveled to Austin, Texas on June 3-4 to participate in the first best practice summit for YCOT staff and partners.
CHDI is working with the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute in Texas to support eight new Youth Crisis Outreach Teams (YCOT), which will provide community-based crisis de-escalation, ongoing crisis stabilization support, and connection to additional mental health resources. CHDI is supporting the eight YCOT teams with a virtual learning community focused on implementation support, as well as training on the values and principles underlying YCOT (based on national MRSS best practices), quality improvement, safety planning considerations, and strategies for a confident and competent workforce.
CHDI provides consultation with Louisiana State University (LSU) in their role supporting the state’s implementation of the Louisiana Crisis Response System, which includes systems for both youth and adults. Through regular meetings with LSU, ad hoc presentations to other stakeholders, and development of tools and resources, CHDI provides consultation on practice development, training, and data and quality improvement.
CHDI President and CEO Jeff Vanderploeg, Ph.D. and Senior Associate Kayla Theriault, MPH traveled to Austin, Texas on June 3-4 to participate in the first best practice summit for YCOT staff and partners.
CHDI is working with the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute in Texas to support eight new Youth Crisis Outreach Teams (YCOT), which will provide community-based crisis de-escalation, ongoing crisis stabilization support, and connection to additional mental health resources. CHDI is supporting the eight YCOT teams with a virtual learning community focused on implementation support, as well as training on the values and principles underlying YCOT (based on national MRSS best practices), quality improvement, safety planning considerations, and strategies for a confident and competent workforce.
CHDI provides consultation with Louisiana State University (LSU) in their role supporting the state’s implementation of the Louisiana Crisis Response System, which includes systems for both youth and adults. Through regular meetings with LSU, ad hoc presentations to other stakeholders, and development of tools and resources, CHDI provides consultation on practice development, training, and data and quality improvement.
Past work
MRSS Quality Learning Collaborative
In partnership with the Innovations Institute at the UConn School of Social Work, CHDI recently worked with five states through the MRSS Quality Learning Collaborative (QLC) to develop high-quality MRSS systems in their own communities, as well as the following resources:
Mobile Response for Children, Youth, and Families:
Best Practice Data Elements and Quality Improvement Approaches. This document provides detailed guidance from CHDI for developing an effective CQI process.
What do states receive through the QLC?
Individualized coaching from a team of subject matter experts on a variety of topics
Peer interaction
Peer interaction with other states implementing MRSS
Resource access
Access to examples from the field, webinars, and other resources
Download MRSS Data & Quality Paper
What topics are included in the individualized coaching?
- System design and implementation
- Stakeholder partnerships
- Youth and family engagement
- Workforce development
- Practice standards
- Data and continuous quality improvement
- Funding and sustainability
- Other state-specific needs