Mobile Response for Children, Youth, and Families: Best Practice Data Elements and Quality Improvement Approaches

Many states are enhancing their capacity to support youth and families experiencing a behavioral health crisis by implementing the Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) best practice model. MRSS is a crisis intervention model that provides behavioral health responses to youth, young adults, and families in their homes, schools, and communities.
A key element of the long-term success of MRSS is a data-driven continuous quality improvement (CQI) process.
CHDI developed a new resource with detailed guidance for developing an effective CQI process.
The resource, developed in partnership with the Innovations Institute at the UConn School of Social Work, “Mobile Response for Children, Youth, and Families: Best Practice Data Elements and Quality Improvement Approaches” includes:
- An overview of best practices for the collection and use of data for CQI in the context of family/youth- and system-level goals for MRSS
- Recommended data elements and activities for CQI at both the program and system level
CHDI has served as the Performance Improvement Center for Connecticut’s Mobile Crisis Intervention Services for over a decade. Together with our partners at the Connecticut Department of Children and Families, the United Way of Connecticut, and mobile crisis providers across the state, we have established a nationally recognized MRSS program with a strong CQI component that involves comprehensive reporting, training, and data-driven consultation with providers.
In partnership with the Innovations Institute at the UConn School of Social Work, CHDI is working with states and counties across the country to develop high-quality MRSS systems in their own communities through the MRSS Quality Learning Collaborative (QLC). This QLC provides the opportunity for states to receive individualized coaching, resources, and peer interaction grounded in MRSS best practices.
MRSS National Best Practices
The MRSS National Best Practices document outlines elements of an effective children's crisis system.
The document was developed by the Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) Quality Learning Collaborative, which is a partnership between CHDI, the Innovations Institute at the UConn School of Social Work and others to help states develop high-quality, responsive behavioral health crisis service systems.
Our work: Mobile Crisis
Learn more about our work as Connecticut's Mobile Crisis Intervention Services Performance Improvement Center.