About CHDI

Training & TA Opportunities

Training and technical assistance is available for the school community, behavioral health providers, and staff in other child-serving systems through a variety of state-funded initiatives coordinated by CHDI.

ON-GOING Training and Technical Assistance Opportunities

Training and Implementation Support for Evidence-Based Children's Mental Health Treatments:

CHDI has several opportunities for community-based behavioral health providers and school mental health personnel to receive free training and implementation support to deliver trauma-informed evidence-based treatments for children. CHDI serves as the coordinating center for each of the following initiatives:


Training for Child-Serving Systems to Implement Trauma Screening

CHDI developed two free online training courses to help child-serving professionals implement trauma screening through the Trauma ScreenTIME (Screen, Triage, Inform, Mitigate, Engage) initiative. The courses are based on current research and best practices. Continuing education credits are available for completing either course. 


Training and Technical Assistance for Schools to Address Mental Health

Technical assistance and training are available to schools and school districts to help them address students' mental health and trauma needs. Schools can also apply to participate in Connecticut's School-Based Diversion Initiative aimed at addressing behavioral health concerns as an alternative to arrest and exclusionary discipline. CHDI serves as the coordinating center for CONNECT IV, SBDI, CBITS, and Bounce Back and provides technical assistance to schools for the SHAPE system.