Trauma ScreenTIME Early Childhood Course

Early childhood trauma is more common - and can have a longer-lasting impact - than many people realize. But once we know that a child has been exposed to trauma, there is hope: effective interventions and treatments are available.
The Trauma ScreenTIME Early Childhood Course is a free, online course that teaches early childhood professionals how to screen young children (ages 0-6) for trauma.
This self-paced course is intended for anyone who works with young children, including classroom teachers, home visitors, clinicians, and others. It was developed in collaboration with families and national experts based on current research and best practices.
Trauma ScreenTIME Early Childhood provides staff working in childcare, Head Start, home visiting, and other early childhood settings with the knowledge to effectively screen for trauma. Participants will also learn how to connect families with supports and services to help children recover from the effects of trauma exposure.
Topics covered in this course include:
- The importance of screening for trauma and traumatic stress
- Common questions about trauma screening
- Developing a screening process for your setting
- Selecting a screening measure
- Conducting screening and discussing results with families
- Using the results of screening to help children and families
The Trauma ScreenTIME Early Childhood Course is now available FREE nationwide.
Continuing education credits are available!
Take the Trauma ScreenTIME Early Childhood Course
Four different Trauma ScreenTIME courses are now available for child-serving professionals in School, Early Childhood, and Pediatric Primary Care settings, in addition to our General/Core course for those in other child-serving settings.
ScreenTIME infographic
Learn more about the role of trauma screening in this interactive infographic.
Evidence-Based Trauma Care
Learn more about our work to advance trauma-informed care for children.
Child Trauma Screen
Download the brief Child Trauma Screen co-developed by CHDI, DCF and Yale.