Trauma ScreenTIME Pediatric Primary Care Course

The Trauma ScreenTIME Pediatric Primary Care Course is an online training course on how to screen children for trauma in pediatric primary care settings.
The ScreenTIME Pediatric Primary Care Course provides staff working with children and youth the knowledge to effectively screen children for trauma and connect families with supports and services to help them recover from the effects of trauma exposure.
Topics covered include:
- The importance of screening for trauma and traumatic stress
- Common questions about trauma screening
- Developing a screening process for your practice
- Selecting a screening measure
- Best practices when conducting screening with children and families
- Using the results of screening to help children and families recover
Learners taking the course may take what they have learned into their workplace to create a Quality Improvement (QI) Project. Approved QI projects will earn 25 points of MOC Part 4 credit through the American Board of Pediatrics. An example of a trauma screening QI project and responses to the Small Group QI Application can be found in the Resource Center (search for "MOC"). To learn more, please see The American Board of Pediatrics’ website.
Take the Trauma ScreenTIME Training Course
The Trauma ScreenTIME online training course is now available at not cost for child-serving professionals.
Why Screen Children for Trauma in Pediatric Primary Care?
In this video, pediatricians and experts explain why screening for trauma in pediatric primary care settings makes sense.
See CHDI Vimeo ChannelScreenTIME infographic
View our interactive infographic - Helping Children who Experience Trauma: The Role of Trauma Screening.
Trauma informed initiatives
Learn more about our work to advance trauma-informed care for children and families.
Child Trauma Screen
View the brief Child Trauma Screen co-developed by CHDI, DCF and Yale.